Ph. Riccardo Riva
Where you can find him:
instagram: aris997
facebook: Riccardo Riva
Coat / Woolrich
Sweatshirt / Diesel
Studded Jeans / Maison 22
Boots / Fendi (the shorter version of these ones)
I'm back with another post! Today's location is pretty amazing, we went on the roof of my university to shoot and from here you can see all the buildings of Rome under the pinkish lights of the sunset: perfect timing.
I am wearing a total black outfit made-up from both designer and more high street shops.
The studded jeans and the location all together give it almost a punk look and I love it, almost as we flew back in the 70s when the young generations protested through what they wore.
PS: I've cut my bangs short and I hate it, I'm waiting for it to grow so bear with me for now.
Sono tornata con un altro post! La location di oggi è pazzesca, siamo saliti sul tetto della mia università per scattare foto e da quissù si possono vedere tutti i palazzi di Roma sotto la luce rosastra del tramonto: tempismo perfetto.
Indosso un outfit total black composto sia da designer brands che da brand dei grandi magazzini.
I jeans borchiati insieme alla location gli danno un'aria quasi punk e lo adoro, sembra di esser tornati indietro negli anni '70 quando le generazioni di giovani protestavano attraverso cosa indossavano.
Ps: Ho tagliato la frangetta e la odio, sto aspettando che ricresce quindi per ora sopportatemi.
Heeeey why would you hate your hair??? No seriously, you look gorgeous even with short bangs!
ReplyDeleteAnd tbh I think I will never stop saying how much I love your blog, it gets better everytime and I can't even choose which post is my favorite now, because each one is special by its own :3
I enjoyed this one a lot because of the beautiful location and your pictures all together (let's talk about those ones where you look super cute, AWW.) and omg your sweatshirt, I'M OBSESSED.
Great job (again) though! ♡♡