Photographer: Flavia Daniele
Where you can find her:
Facebook - Flavia Daniele
Facebook page - Flavia's photographs
Instagram - @flaviadanielephotographs
Make up by Gianluca Terracina
Welcome April! Back with new pictures created with my friend Flavia Daniele, a phenomal photographer with lotd of talent and creative ideas with whom I don't just work, I enjoy to spend afternoons with.
The location is the botanical garden from the university La Sapienza (where I study) which is located in Roma Trastevere. Not all the plants were selected for the pics of course but I suggest you visit it 'cause there are bamboos, peonies, roses, tropical plants and so much more, you'll get lost in there!
Me and Flavia actually didn't realize what time it was and got stuck in the garden passed closure time lol, thank God there was the guardian who let us get out, otherwise we would have slept there ahaha.
I am wearing an off-the-shoulder white top to give the pics that bucolic vibe.
Benvenuto Aprile! Tornata con nuove foto realizzate con la mia amica Flavia, una fotografa fenomenale con un grande talento e delle idee originali, con la quale non solo lavoro ma è sempre un piacere passare dei pomeriggi con lei.
La location è il giardino botanico dell'università La Sapienza (dove studio) che si trova a Roma Trastevere. Ovviamente non sono state scelte tutte le piante per le foto ma vi consiglio di visitarlo perchè ci sono bambù, peonie, rose, piante tropicali e molto altro ancora, vi perderete lì dentro!
Io e Flavia non abbiamo nemmeno realizzato che ore si fossero fatte e siamo rimaste bloccate lì dopo l'orario di chiusura, ma per fortuna c'era il guardiano che ci ha lasciate uscire, altrimenti avremmo dormito lì ahaha.
Indosso un top bianco con scollo a barca per dare alle foto quel vibe bucolico/campagnolo.
You won't believe this but I literally had to check these out a couple of times to realise that they were actual pictures lol in fact they reminded me of a collection of portrait paintings. So beautiful, so artsy! Also I think that you choose the perfect time to post this, it matches with your blog appearance right now. I bet that you did it by intention ehehe. The first couple of pics had me shocked tho, sooo gorgeous. Great job girls! xx