
Carousel and Leaves.

Photographer: Francesca Rosa
Where you can find her: 
Facebook - Francesca Rosa
Instagram - @francesca.rosa29

Here I am back with another project, this time created with the talented Francesca who shot all this beautiful portraits around Rome. The first pictures were shot in Piazza Navona where there is a beautiful carousel (we even tried to shot on top of it but the pics didn't turn out very good, Francesca was feeling dizzy ahaha). The last ones were shot in front of a random hotel all covered in leaves, we loved it! 
So thankful to be working with such amazing photographers lately, looking forward to be making lots more projects in the future!


Eccomi tornata con un altro progetto, questa volta realizzato con la talentuosa Francesca che ha scattato tutti questi ritratti bellissimi in giro per Roma. Le prime foto sono state scattate a Piazza Navona dove c'รจ una bellissima giostra (abbiamo anche cercato di scattare sopra la giostra ma le foto non sono uscite benissimo, a Francesca girava la testa ahah). Le ultime invece sono state scattate di fronte a un hotel random che aveva la facciata interamente coperta da foglie, ci ha colpite quel posto! 
Sono molto contenta di riuscire a  lavorare con fotografi fantastici  ultimamente e non vedo l'ora di creare molti altri progetti in futuro! 

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD LOOK AT YOUR FRECKLES, SO CUTE!! Welcome back by the wayy xx
    I was just wondering if there were new projects coming soon that you could post by the beginning of the year and here you are looking gorgeous as always! I have to say that this one is one of the best photoshoot projects you've done so far, no doubt - can't really tell which one i'd choose as a favorite between this and the plumage and glass one though, it's hard! hahah. I bet that's because all of them are amazing in different aspects and it's great to see you working with different photographers. Keep going and let's cross fingers for for some future projects then, can't wait! ♡♡
