
Searching for Redemption.

Photographer: Fabio Piccioni 
Where you can find him: 
Facebook - Fabio Piccioni
Instagram - @the_unknown_island

Pics from the 5th of May. Might be my favorite shooting so far. Love the idea of loneliness and darkness these pictures want to communicate the observer. 
The vibe throughout all the shooting was perfect, me and the photographer agreed on basically everything and our minds worked alongside. 
The location wasn't planned, we literally wandered through the city of Rome until we found a breathtaking (and creepy I guess) church, which I think was abandoned and we decided to shoot there. 
There is nothing better than to take pictures in absolute calm and quietness, without people staring at you like you're crazy lol. 
I could not thank Fabio more for making such pieces of art and for letting me be part of them. 


Foto del 5 maggio. Probabilmente il mio shooting preferito fino ad ora. Adoro l'idea di solitudine e di abbandono che queste foto vogliono comunicare all'osservatore. L'atmosfera durante tutto il corso dello shooting è stata perfetta, io ed il fotografo eravamo praticamente d'accordo su tutto e le nostre menti lavoravano in parallelo. 
La location non era premeditata, abbiamo letteralmente vagato per Roma finchè non abbiamo trovato una chiesa spettacolare (e tetra direi),  credo abbandonata, e abbiamo deciso di scattare lì.
Non c'è nulla di meglio che scattare foto in completa calma ed in completo silenzio, senza le persone che ci guardavano come se fossimo dei matti lol. 
Non potrei ringraziare Fabio più di così per aver creato dei capolavori e per avermi permesso di farne parte. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is one of the simplest but also one of the most suggestive photoshoots you've ever took part in, honestly. It kind of gives opposite vibes which is the best part of it in my opinion. By what I can see I can imagine that the location was such a quiet and peaceful place, on the other hand the church in particular makes the scenario look creepier and mysterious though, I hope the creepers staring at you felt the same hahah. You look gorgeous as usual by the way xx
